Mu fayilo yakuwombera zida kabotoloMakina omwe tawona kale, zinthu zofufuzira ndizomwe zimagwirira ntchito komanso zida zama makina akuwombera, kukonza tsiku ndi tsiku ndi mfundo zina zazikulu, kotero kuzizirako kozizira kwamakina okumbukirawo kumayeretsedwanso komanso Kufufuza mosamala, mkonzi wotsatira adzalumikiza magawo azida.
Common chizindikiro chizindikiro cha kuwombera kabotolo makina:
The makulidwe a mbale zitsulo 600 ~ 1200mm, choyambirira kuwombera kabotolo kuchuluka ndi 3400KG, chiwerengero cha zida kuwombera kabotolo pafupifupi 7 ~ 13, liwiro la chipangizo kuwombera kabotolo ndi 1500 ~ 2500 kusintha, ndi mphamvu linanena bungwe lakuwombera zida kabotolondi 90 / KW.
1kuwombera kabotolo makinaipanga mphamvu ya centrifugal ndi mphamvu yotsutsana ikazungulira mwachangu kwambiri. Mwa njira iyi mokha momwe kuwombera kabotolo kungawonjezeredwe kupita kuboma, komwe kumathandizira kupangika kwa mpweya pansi pa kasinthasintha wothamanga kwambiri, kuti pamwamba pazitsulo zopangira zitsulo zitha kupeza kukaniza kwa okosijeni.
2.When the kuwombera zida kabotolothrows the metal material layer, it is to clean up the rusty iron and oxide layer on the surface of the workpiece. It will enter the transportation room through the bottom of the kuwombera zida kabotolofor lifting, and the lifter will automatically send the shot material after it is separated. In the recycling system of the kuwombera kabotolo makina, waste is recycled to reduce labor costs.
3.Because the kuwombera kabotolo makina adopts a fully enclosed mode, the workpiece kuwombera kabotolo makina produces a strong impact effect during high-speed operation, and will be worn to a certain extent by the outside of the kuwombera kabotolo makina itself, so the equipment will be equipped with a cleaning room inside. The dust and debris left behind during the kuwombera kabotolo makina are well treated.